senior management title

Meet the Simplex Senior Management Team

From the beginning, the Fricchione brothers surrounded themselves with the type of people who cared about family, dreamed big, and were not afraid to take risks. The Simplex senior management team has elevated and been guided by leaders like these, who constantly inspire us to achieve the next level of success in modular homes, apartments, professional spaces, and more. With decades of experience in the modular home construction industry, our senior management team continues to further Simplex Homes’ operating philosophy: make respect, customer service, quality, and integrity the core of all we do.

Our dedicated Simplex Homes senior management team includes Patrick A. Fricchione, Jr., Patrick J. Fricchione, MD, Dave Boniello, Dave Mertz, Bill Feduchak, Ryan Mayes, Kate Strattman,  Jason Drouse, and Paul Caruso. In addition to the knowledge they bring to their current positions, most began their careers in the modular industry on the shop floor.


Patrick A. Fricchione, Jr.
General Partner & CEO

Patrick J. Fricchione, MD

Patrick J. Fricchione, MD
General Partner

Dave Boniello

Dave Boniello

Ryan Mayes

Ryan Mayes
Chief Financial Officer

Bill Feduchak

Bill Feduchak
Director of Operations

Jason Drouse

Jason Drouse
Vice President of Sales
& Marketing

Kate Strattman

Kate Strattman
Vice President
of Manufacturing

Dave Mertz

Dave Mertz
Vice President

Paul Caruso

Paul Caruso
Vice President of Operations