Contact Us
Simplex Industries, Inc.
Keyser Industrial Park
1 Simplex Drive
Scranton, PA 18504

From Northeast:
I-84 West to I-380 West
I-380 West to I-81 North
Exit 191B off I-81
Right onto routes 6&11
Bear left onto Scranton Expressway
1 mile to first exit – Keyser Avenue
Approximately 1.5 – 2 miles
Left at Simplex & Bolus Trucking Sign
Onto Simplex Drive
Plant #1 located on right,
Plant #2 located on left.
From New York City:
I-80 West to I-380 West
I-380 West to I-81 North
Exit 191B off I-81
Right onto routes 6&11
Bear left onto Scranton Expressway
1 mile to first exit – Keyser Avenue
Approximately 1.5 – 2 miles
Left at Simplex & Bolus Trucking Sign
Onto Simplex Drive
Plant #1 located on right,
Plant #2 located on left.
From Binghamton:
I-81 South Exit 191B off I-81
Right onto routes 6&11
Bear left onto Scranton Expressway
1 mile to first exit – Keyser Avenue
Approximately 1.5 – 2 miles
Left at Simplex & Bolus Trucking Sign
Onto Simplex Drive
Plant #1 located on right,
Plant #2 located on left.
From Philadelphia:
Schuylkill Expressway to N.E. Extension of the PA. Turnpike (I-476)
Exit 38 (Keyser Ave/Old Forge/Taylor)
Left onto Union St.
Right at light onto Keyser Ave.
Approximately 3.2 miles
Right at Simplex & Bolus Trucking Sign
Onto Simplex Drive
Plant #1 located on right, Plant #2 located on left.
From Washington DC & South:
I-81 North Exit 191B off I-81
Right onto routes 6&11
Bear left onto Scranton Expressway
1 mile to first exit – Keyser Avenue
Approximately 1.5 – 2 miles
Left at Simplex & Bolus Trucking Sign
Onto Simplex Drive
Plant #1 located on right,
Plant #2 located on left.